UK Shelter Forum 21 photos and presentations

The UK Shelter Forum 21 was held on the 17th of November 2017 in Watford and was co-hosted by BRE and CRS. The theme of the forum was “Sustainability and Resilience”. We also had the pleasure to assist to the official opening of the shelter exhibit at BRE’s innovation park. The Forum was held in commemoration of Graham Saunders.

We would like to thank all attendees for the great discussions and presentations we had throughout the day. Thank you also to the notetakers whose notes can be found underneath.

Links to presentations:

Introduction – Jamie Richardson

Better Safer – Bill Flinn

Building sustainability and resilience – Giulia Frontini

Owner-driven reconstruction – Martina Manna

CTP and the environment – Jake Zarins

Sustainable materials – Vera Kreuwels

Thermal Comfort in Desert Refugee Camps – Dr Dima Aldabra

Pakistan shelter flood resilience – Tim White

Knowledge exchange – Eefje Hendriks

Supporting shelter self-recovery – Elizabeth Parker

Urban planning after humanitarian crisis – Victoria Maynard

Local building practices – Olivier Moles

Building safety in shelter self-recovery – Charles Parrack


UKSF Notes