The second ACFID SRG Shelter Forum was hosted by Habitat for Humanity Australia on Friday 11th April 2014. The 2014 Shelter Forum explored issues surrounding land tenure insecurity in the Asia Pacific region. A pdf report summarizing the forum is available here (Final Report 2014) while the audio recordings of each of the sessions are below.
Keynote Presentation
- Professor Daniel Fitzpatrick: Trends and Challenges in Urban Land Tenure in Asia Pacific: Its Impact on Global Housing Crisis
- Victoria Stodart: Housing Land and Property Issues in the Philippines (Typhoon Haiyan)
- Professor Daniel Fitzpatrick: Addressing land issues after a disaster
Iv Bonnakar: Testing the Urban Land Law in Battambang, Cambodia
- Aruna Paul: Rural and Urban Challenges in Land Security in Nepal
- Johanna Brugman: Community Mapping and Surveying in Cambodia
- Ruth Kestermann: Urban Resiliency Framework in Bangladesh
- Luke Millar: Overview of working paper on Land Tenure Insecurity in Asia Pacific
1. Welcome
2. Prof Daniel Fitzpatrick: Keynote Address
3. Victoria Stodart: Housing Land and Property Issues in the Philippines (Typhoon Haiyan)
4. Prof Danial Fitzpatrick: Addressing land issues after a disaster
5. Iv Bonnakar: Testing the Urban Land Law in Battambang, Cambodia
6. Aruna Paul: Rural and Urban Challenges in Land Security in Nepal
7. Johanna Brugman: Community Mapping and Surveying in Cambodia
8. Ruth Kestermann: Urban Resiliency Framework in Bangladesh
9. Luke Millar: Overview of working paper on Land Tenure Insecurity in Asia Pacific
10. Group Exercise
11. Bernadette Bolo-Duthy: Closing Remarks