About Us

The Australia Shelter Forum is a newly established informal forum bringing together Australian shelter and settlements professionals to share knowledge and improve practice.

Click here to join our Google Community or email Leeanne Marshall, Australian Red Cross Shelter Technical Lead lemarshall@redcross.org.au

Other useful/ relevant links for Australian Practitioners:

ACFID Urban Community of Practice

The previous ACFID Shelter Reference Group (SRG) has now been replaced by the ACFID Urban Community of Practice (Urban CoP). The group provides a mechanism for Australian agencies working in urbanisation to share information, encourage innovative practice and engage in policy dialogue and advocacy to strengthen sustainable urban development in the Asia Pacific region. Urban CoP members work across a range of areas including WASH, shelter and housing, shelter in emergencies, disaster risk reduction, gender equality and social inclusion, and community engagement.The Urban CoP is an official ACFID Community of Practice (https://acfid.asn.au/myacfid/communities-of-practice).

The ACFID Urban CoP is co-convened by Australian Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity Australia and has representation from many other agencies, private sector organisations and academic institutions.


Leeanne Marshall lemarshall@redcross.org.au

Chris Govers  CGovers@habitat.org.au




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