UK Shelter Forum 30 presentations

The 30th UK Shelter Forum was held at Arup offices, London on 14th May 2024. The turnout was great with nearly 100 in-person attendees over the course of the day and 30+ online. There were some really rich discussions around the theme of the challenge of scale in an environment of increasing need and decreasing resources. Thank you once again to our hosts Arup and RedR UK for providing the space, a great lunch spread and snacks and much-needed IT support.

Please find links to all the presentations below as well as any extra information provided by speakers:







Deadline extended for 30th UK Shelter Forum presentation proposals!


To ensure we have a strong and wide selection of presentations, the deadline for proposals has been extended to Tuesday 30th April 2024

Theme reminder: The challenge of scale in an environment of increasing need and decreasing resources

Please note, the theme is provided for general guidance but proposals outside of this scope will still be considered. We have also allocated space for general work updates from organisations so please choose this option in the form if you’d like to present any updates. To submit a proposal, please apply here by the 30th of April.

To register for the event: Book your tickets here. There will be mini cakes (!)

The UK Shelter Forum is a community of practice for individuals and organisations involved in humanitarian shelter and settlements. To find out more about the UK Shelter Forum, or subscribe to the mailing list, click here.

30th UK Shelter Forum

The 30th UK Shelter Forum will be convened by the Recovery Community of Practice and jointly hosted by ARUP and RedR UK.

Theme: The challenge of scale in an environment of increasing need and decreasing resources.

Date: Tuesday 14th May 2024, 9:00am – 17:00 BST

Location: ARUP office (and online) ARUP, 8 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BJ 

Submit a presentation proposal: If you’d like to contribute to the UK Shelter Forum please click here to tell us about your proposal as soon as possible. Deadline 22 April 2024

Register for the event: Book your tickets for the forum here. Please select either the in-person or online option when prompted.

The UK Shelter Forum is a community of practice for individuals and organisations involved in humanitarian shelter and settlements. To find out more about the UK Shelter Forum, or subscribe to the mailing list, click here.

UK Shelter Forum 29 presentations

In preparation of this years UK Shelter Forum, below are the presentations from UKSF 2023. This event was held at the Institution of Structural Engineers on Friday 12th May 2023, convened by CRS, CENDEP and Buro Happold.

UKSF 29 attendees

Download the notes from the event here


UK Shelter Forum meeting #29 May 12th 2023

The next UK Shelter Forum meeting will be an in-person event at the Institution of Structural Engineers, London.  There will be a zoom link for those who cannot attend but wish to listen in remotely. 

The agenda will include two main subject areas with presentations and discussions around:

  • Recovery
  • Shelter responses including recent large scale events with recovery challenges

If you wish to attend in-person please click on the link below.  Please note that it is one ticket per person and the presenters and facilitators should also have tickets


f you wish to present or facilitate discussions please use the link or QR code below for submissions.


ASF 2022 Session Agenda


Please Find the Virtual Links to join the ASF 2022 in Dhaka Bangladesh.

Grand Ball Room
Passcode: 483569

Breakout Room 2
Passcode: 289111

Breakout Room 3
Passcode: 129653

Surma Hall (Breakout Room 4)
Passcode: 427061

Meghna Hall (Breakout Room 5)
Passcode: 583122

UK Shelter Forum 28: Low Impact Materials Workshop

On Thursday 12th May, Arup hosted a side event prior to the UK Shelter Forum on the 13th May on scaling up the use of low-impact materials in humanitarian shelter response. The day included several presentations showcasing a series of case studies on a variety of ‘low-impact’ materials in the shelter sector, and workshop sessions to discuss how to scale up the use of low-impact materials, and the key barriers in using these materials in these contexts and brainstorming how these barriers could be overcome. Videos of the case study presentations are available on the UK Shelter Forum YouTube Channel.

Throughout the course of the day, a series of recommendations were collated for practitioners and policy makers to support future scaling up of low impact materials. The team is currently exploring how we can improve the use of low impact materials in the shelter sector moving forward. To join the mailing list for updates click here.

UK Shelter Forum 28: Climate Change

The 28th UK Shelter Forum was held on the 13th of May 2022.  It was co-hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and University College London’s Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (UCL IRDR).  The theme was humanitarian shelter and climate change: Is the shelter sector ready?

The UK Shelter Forum was preceded by a workshop on scaling-up the use of low-impact materials in humanitarian response hosted by Arup and a UCL Humanitarian Institute Evening Conference on Shelter and Climate Change.

The 28th UK Shelter Forum was the first in person UK Shelter Forum after the Covid-19 pandemic and the first hybrid UK Shelter Forum.  More than 100 people attended in person with a similar number joining online.  Online speakers and participants included shelter specialists working in Australia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Nigeria, Madagascar, Switzerland, Italy, the US, Honduras and Chile.

Full details of the agenda are available here (in person) and here (online). Click here for a blog on the key messages of the forum and here for one on inclusion and intersectionality. Videos are available on the UK Shelter Forum YouTube Channel and below.

We look forward to seeing you in person and online at UK Shelter Forum 29!

28th UK Shelter Forum

We are back!

The 28th UK Shelter Forum will be co-hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and University College London’s Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (UCL IRDR).

Theme: Humanitarian shelter and climate change: Is the shelter sector ready?

Date: Friday 13th May 2022, 09:00 – 17:00 BST
Location: University College London (and online)
University College London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, UK

Make a proposal: If you’d like to contribute to the UK Shelter Forum please click here to tell us about your proposal as soon as possible.  Deadline 19 April 2022.

Attend: If you’d like to attend the UK Shelter Forum (in-person or online) please click here to reserve your place.

Evening event: The UK Shelter Forum will be preceded by a UCL Humanitarian Institute Evening Conference on Thursday 12th May on the same theme. Click here for details and registration.

Since its launch in May 2021 the Climate Charter has been signed by more than 200 organisations – including several members of the Strategic Advisory Group of the Global Shelter Cluster.  But is the shelter sector ready to be part of the solution?  Do we have the capacity to respond to rising humanitarian needs while reducing vulnerability to longer-term shocks and stresses?  Do we have the skills to understand and incorporate risk analyses into our programmes, alongside local and indigenous knowledge?  How can we minimise the damage we cause to the environment while providing timely and principled humanitarian assistance?

6 years on from the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes

We are pleased to announce that in addition to the main agenda of UK Shelter Forum 27, there will be a lecture, followed by questions and answers, from Dr Chandra Shrestha, Executive Committee Member of the Nepal National Reconstruction Authority, on the achievements and lessons from the work of the NRA over the six years since the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. This will take place at 11.00am BST/15:45 NPT on the 23rd of April – the morning before the main forum.

This has been organised in collaboration with the Institution of Structural Engineers’ Humanitarian & International Development Panel.

You can book a ticket for this online talk here:

Please note that tickets for this talk are separate from the UKSF27 tickets. You will need to book separate tickets to join the UK Shelter Forum online conference in the afternoon. You can do so here:

Dr Shrestha, a Nepali citizen, has been working with the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) of Nepal as an Executive Member since 2016. The Authority was established in 2015 to lead national recovery and reconstruction following the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer with a doctoral degree in the transportation planning. During his nearly three decades long career, he designed and implemented a number of transport and other infrastructure projects under Government of Nepal (GoN), Millennium Challenge Corporation – Nepal, DFID and UNDP. Dr. Shrestha is a published author in a number of international refereed journals, including the International Development Planning Review, International Journal of Transport Management and Progress in Disaster Sciences.

Out of total stock of 6 million, more than 3.5 million houses In Nepal are not earthquake resilient. The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), which was constituted for the reconstruction of 2015 Gorkha earthquake damaged infrastructure, supported the reconstruction of about 800,000 houses adopting the earthquake resistant technology. However, out of 70,000 plus cases, only less than 1000 households vied for retrofitting. From the perspective of implementation, the retrofitting intervention was not successful. However, NRA unearthed reasons for poor preference, developed appropriate technology and experimented with a number of communication approaches. With all these exercises, retrofitting is established as viable technology for promoting earthquake resilient housing. The successful strategies are: adoption of cost effective & local construction materials-based technology, build on local knowledge and enhance confidence among policy makers.

NRA experimented with a number of retrofitting technologies such as: strong back, splint and bandage and containment reinforcement integrated splint and bandage technology. All technologies have been tested and recommended for implementation. It is proven that retrofitting is cost effective and conserves vernacular heritage. However, additional research is required for urban row housing. The successful technologies also will require R&D for further improvement.

Realizing socio-economic benefits, the Government of Nepal (GoN) has been considering to launch a nationwide retrofitting programme in the future which will pave the way for resilient Nepal, a national campaign which is going to be kicked off from the next year. For demonstration purpose, GoN may retrofit school, hospital and office buildings which will enhance confidence among the larger population.

UK Shelter Forum 27: Online

UK Shelter Forum 27 took place online on the afternoons of the 22nd and 23rd of April, from 13.00 to 17.00 BST, with thanks to CARE International UK for the use of their Zoom account.

The agenda for the forum is here:

The panel discussion on Women’s Experiences in the Shelter Sector is available here, and is important viewing for all organisations involved in the sector:

The associated presentation and further information will be available shortly.

Presentations from UKSF 27 are here. They are numbered, but rather than presenting them in order, they are presented by theme:

Updates from sector organisations and ongoing projects:

Presentations on retrofitting and upgrading housing to achieve improvements in safety:

Research activities and projects

Environmental sustainability

Designing with and for children

New projects and products

Fire safety





UK Shelter Forum 26: Online

The 26th UK Shelter Forum took place as an online meeting on Friday 15th of May, with 127 attendees, focussed on important shelter sector news, and on the operational impact of COVID-19 on shelter programming and how shelter programmes are adapting to meet needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The planned day-long meeting on the theme of Humanitarian Decision-Making has been delayed until the Autumn,

The agenda for UKSF26 was:

The recording of the UKSF26 is available on the UKSF Youtube Channel, here:

The associated chat log, containing links to websites and other materials referenced in the presentations, is here:

The presentations from UKSF26 are here:

UK Shelter Forum 25 photos and presentations

The UK Shelter Forum 25 was held on 25th of October 2019 in London and was co-hosted by Mott MacDonald and Oxford Brookes University.

Delivering the needs of so many people displaced following natural disasters or conflict requires many disciplines to come together, so the theme of the forum was ‘Cross-sector collaboration for community resilience’.

A Technical Workshop on the same theme was also held on 24th October 2019.

The event highlighted the work carried out by private companies, professional institutions, academia and the humanitarian sector to create tools and solutions that improve immediate and longer term interventions in the field. Many case studies were shared, highlighting specific drivers and barriers to deploying solutions. We would like to thank all attendees and speakers for the great discussions and knowledge sharing we had throughout both days.

Ian Davis was also invited to the UKSF 25 for a presentation to recognise his contribution to shelter practice. Working in pre-disaster planning and risk reduction, post-disaster recovery from the immediate response phase to long-term reconstruction and adaptation to climate change.

Listen to his speech here: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

A podcast was also produced under the event, called Crisis Shelter for Mass Displacement, which discusses the need for collaboration between humanitarians, local governments, academia and technical professionals to bring together those that manage disaster on the ground, and people who are developing better shelter.

Next UKSF 26 will be on Humanitarian Decision-Making – Save the Date!
Co-hosted by: Habitat for Humanity International and ALNAP
Date: Friday 15th May 2020
Location: Overseas Development Institute, London
More details coming in 2020.  If you can’t wait that long then join ALNAP’s webinar on how humanitarians make operational decisions on 18 November or have a look at Habitat for Humanity International’s new research on how social norms shape low-income home construction.

Presentations from the Shelter Forum 25 are available here:


  1. Technical Approaches and partnerships for collective action – Brett Moore, Chief of the Shelter and Settlements Section, UNHCR
  2. Cross sector collaboration for community resilience –Lucy Palmer, Health Specialist, Mott MacDonald
  3. Latest progress and engagement: Humanitarian Library, Post-Conflict Engineering and a sector ‘dashboard’?  – Tom Corsellis, Executive Director, Shelter Centre
  4. Healthy Housing for the Displaced – Shelter Assessment Matrix (SAM) – Steve Lo, Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Environment Engineering, University of Bath 
  5. Role of Built Environment Professionals in disaster risk reduction – Peter Oborn, Senior Vice President, Commonwealth Association of Architects and Steering Group Member, Global Alliance of Urban Crises
  6. A reissue of the guide on Built Environment in Disaster Risk Reduction and Response – Rhys Jones, Founder, Humanitarian Landscape Collective 


  1. World Habitat Awards and the report –Patrick Duce, World Habitat and Bill Flinn, CARE International 
  2. Mott MacDonald Engineering Hope – Ana Ruiton, Mott MacDonald  

Breakout groups presentations:

Open Source and Design for Manufacturing – friend or foe?

  1. A Platform approach to DfMA – Jaimie Johnston, Head of Global Systems, Bryden Wood 
  2. Designing, manufacturing and innovating towards social sustainability in disaster management – Miguel Mora, Temporary housing and settlement researcher, Carnegie Mellon University 
  3. Prototyping to enhance design manufacturing: fieldwork experience – Francis Moran, Research Associate, University of Bath

Collaboration between different stakeholders 

  1. The Environment for collaboration in Area Based Approaches (ABAs) – Amelia Rule, Shelter Advisor – CARE International
  2. A Case for Working with the Green Sector – Rhys Jones, Founder, Humanitarian Landscape Collective 

Additional materials 

  1. Soaring High Self-recovery through the eyes of local actors – PEER EXCHANGE REPORT
  2. Through the eyes of local actors How self-recovery was supported after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

Presentations from Technical Workshop are available here:


  1. Shelter – a nexus of nexuses – Jake Zarins, Associate Director – Disaster Risk Reduction Response, Habitat for Humanity International
  2. Shelter Projects – learning from past shelter and settlement responses – Joseph Ashmore, Humanitarian Advisor, IOM
  3. Shelter – Friendly Market Assessments – Jake Zarins, Associate Director – Disaster Risk Reduction Response, Habitat for Humanity International? and Rick Bauer, Independent Consultant, RBWA Ltd and Jake Zarins, Associate Director – Disaster Risk Reduction Response, Habitat for Humanity International? 

Breakout groups presentations

Participatory Design??

  1. Participatory Action Planning in urban Tripoli, Lebanon – Amelia Rule, Senior Shelter Advisor, CARE International
  2. Early Childhood Development in refugees and displaced populations – Lucy Palmer, Health Specialist, Mott MacDonald and Sally Al Khayat Assistant Project Manager, Mott MacDonald   
  3. Collaborating to integrate temporary housing needs and expectations into operational processes – Miguel Mora, Temporary housing and settlement researcher, Carnegie Mellon University

Collaboration across sectors

  1. Working Together – David Coley, Principle Investigator, Healthy Housing for the Displaced, University of Bath
  2. Circular Bamboo Housing Collaboration in Lombok – Xavier Echegaray, Structural Engineer, Ramboll?UK
  3. Collaboration Across Sectors: The BRE Trust Experience and Future Direction – George Foden, QSAND Support Officer, BRE Trust?
  4. Antimicrobial Resistance. What is its relevance to shelter? ?- Sarah Dobson, Health Specialist, Mott MacDonald?

Shelter IEC Materials Compendium

Final Agenda for the 25th UK Shelter Forum!

2 days to go!

For the Technical Workshop and the UK Shelter Forum 25!

“Cross sector collaboration for community resilience” 

Hosted by Mott MacDonald and Oxford Brookes University

Click here for the detailed agenda for the UK Shelter Forum 25 on 25th October 2019.

Click here for the detailed agenda for the Technical Workshop on 24th October 2019

We look forward to seeing you there. 

Best regards,
UK Shelter Forum Team

Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road,?London,?N7 6PA

UK Shelter Forum 25

The UK Shelter Forum 25 will be on the 25th of October in London, co-hosted by Mott MacDonald and Oxford Brookes University

Theme – Cross-sector collaboration for community resilience

It will cover a wide variety of topics and concerns to how sectors can better work together. The meeting will showcase lessons learned on cross sector approaches and will encourage conversations and learning about other sectors perspectives and initiatives which could influence the way we work. How can we combine the best of all worlds to support better the new generation of liveable settlements? 

A technical workshop, on the same theme, will be held at the same venue on 24th October.


Sign up here for the Technical Workshop on 24th October 2019, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Sign up here for the UK Shelter Forum 25 on 25th October 2019, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm


Resource for London
356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA

Draft agenda as follows:

Please find here Technical Workshop agenda for 24th October.

To get regular updates on UK Shelter Forum’s news and events, subscribe to our mailing list here

UK Shelter Forum 24 – Presentations

The 24th UK Shelter Forum was on the topic of “Health and Shelter”, and was held on 10th May 2019 at the University of Bath, co-hosted by CRS and University of Bath.

Below are the presentations from the UK Shelter Forum:


Health and Shelter-Setting the Theme: Bill Flinn
Healthy Homes: Jakob Knudsen
Disability inclusion in shelter and settlements: Dalia Aranki
Nepal research & Women’s Group: Lucila Carbonell
Humanitarian Finance: Lizzie Babister
Single use plastics & Moving Energy Initiative: Jake Zarins
Shelter Projects: Alberto Piccioli

Discussion Group Presentations:

Health and Environment: Richard Luff, Jakob Knudsen, Steven Lindsay
Physical and Psychological Health and Wellbeing: Dalia Aranki, Jamie Richardson
Inclusion and Gender: Amelia Rule, Lucila Carbonell, Salem Al Qudwa
SPHERE – Health and Shelter: Dr. Eba Pasha, Ela Serdaroglu, Kit Dyer, Seki Hirano
Energy: Charles Parrack, Jake Zarins
Shelter Performance for User Comfort: Francis Moran, Shaun Halbert, Jens Odgaard Olsson
(1) Preferred Shelter for Temporary Communities
(2) Reducing Health Hazards of Living in Bamboo Relief Shelters


A Technical Workshop on Health and Shelter was also held on 9th May. Below are the presentations from the Workshop.
Breakout Group 1
Chair: Richard Luff

Trees for Refugees and Health: Richard Luff
Malaria Control: Jakob Brandtberg Knudsen
Thermal Comfort-field work update: Dima Albadra
WHO- Healthy Housing: Jamie Richardson
Better Health Effects from a Better Indoor Climate: Jens Olsson

Breakout Group 2
Chair: Charles Parrack

Context and Research Gaps: Charles Parrack
Predicting thermal comfort: Santiago Velez
Moving Energy Initiative: Glada Lahn
IAQ and shelter Health: Andy Dengel
Engineering Hope: Anna Ruiton

Breakout Group 3
Chair: Jason Hart

Design Support Tool:
Steve Lo
Shelter rehabilitation for health: Sulyeman Demir
Shelter adaptations for thermal comfort: Francis Moran
Energy & Health: Jake Zarins
IFRC “All under one roof”: Sandra D’Urzo


UK Shelter Forum 24: Draft Agenda and Tickets


This year, the UK Shelter Forum will focus on “Health and Shelter”, covering a wide range of topics and areas of interest and concern, including issues that relate to both psychological and physical health and well being. The Forum will consider issues of shelter from a Health Sector perspective and how this could influence the way we work.

Please review the draft agenda for the UK Shelter Forum. We welcome you to send us revisions on the agenda and send in your proposals if you wish to present at the Forum.

Subject:        UKSF 24 Submission

Details for submission
Contact Tel:
Title of submission:
Abstract (short description):
Presentation  / Discussion / Announcement ( select)
Approximate time required:

Deadline April 19th

Tickets to attend The 24th UK Shelter Forum are now available and can be accessed here. Early registrations are encouraged due to limited seating.

UK Shelter Forum 24 – 10th May

Theme –  ‘Health and Shelter’

This may cover a wide range of topics and areas of interest and concern, including issues that relate to both psychological and physical health and well being.  The meeting will consider issues of shelter from a Health Sector perspective and how this could influence the way we work.  There will be opportunities for presentations and  discussions on technical, policy, and programmatic subjects.


Bath University,  Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK

Agenda and Submissions

The meeting will focus on the theme but there will opportunities for other information sharing and announcements.

The agenda will be produced based on the submissions of the participants, with priority given to those that adhere to the theme.

If you wish to present, lead a discussion, or make an announcement, please contact


Subject:        UKSF 24 Submission

Details for submission



Contact Tel:

Title of submission:

Abstract (short description):

Presentation  / Discussion / Announcement ( select)

Approximate time required:


Deadline April 19th 

UK Shelter Forum 23 – notes

The 23rd UK Shelter Forum was on the 23 November in London, co-hosted by Arup and ShelterBox.

Download the notes from UKSF23 here:



Discussion group presentations

Additional materials 

UK Shelter Forum 23

The 23rd UK Shelter Forum will be on the 23rd of November in London, co-hosted by Arup and ShelterBox.

The theme of the forum will be:

Relief to Recovery – What’s New.

How is the “modern emergency” changing? From the emergency stage right through to development, what is different – from how governments deal with NGOs, cash and new financial models, and increasing urbanisation how can we develop shelter options that are sustainable in the long term?

Agenda & submissions

The detailed agenda will be posted here in due course. At least half the day will be allocated strictly to sessions and short presentations relevant to the theme. There will opportunities for general announcements and short (5 or 10 minute) presentations.

If you wish to submit a proposal for a session, announcement, or short presentation, please send it to by Friday 2nd November.

Priority will be given to submissions in line with the theme. Submissions not in line with the theme, or which are submitted after the deadline, might not be accommodated in the agenda. We will not be able to confirm if submissions have been accepted until after Friday the 2nd November.

UK Shelter Forum 22

The 22nd UK Shelter Forum was on the 8th of June in London, co-hosted by CARE and Habitat for Humanity. We are grateful to Hogan Lovells for providing the venue.

Download the briefing note from UKSF22 here:

The theme of the forum was The Future of Shelter.

Two years after the World Humanitarian Summit, humanitarian reform remains high on the agenda. Multi-purpose cash offers opportunities and challenges to sectoral objectives, the ‘humanitarian-development nexus’ asks questions of who does what in shelter responses, the gaps between humanitarian needs and funding are ever-growing, and conflict and displacement are increasing. How will the shelter sector respond and adapt in the future? Will there be continued incremental change, or major disruption? How much does the shelter sector need to challenge itself to change? UKSF 22 will examine these questions, and what the future holds for the shelter sector and the people it seeks to help.

Agenda & submissions

The agenda was as follows:

There will be side events arranged on the 7th of June, including the Global Shelter Cluster Mid-Year Teleconference at CARE’s offices in Vauxhall.


These new reports and publications provided food for thought at UKSF22:



1. Shelter Meeting 18 – Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre
2. Promoting Safer Building – Bill Flinn, CARE International
3. Shelter Projects – Alberto Piccioli, IOM

Keynote address

Change in the humanitarian sector, Christina Bennett, Head of Programme, Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute

Breakout group presentations

A. Measuring success – Victoria Maynard
D. The Grand Bargain: Friend or Foe – Lizzie Babister

Project reports

1. A Safe Night’s Rest – Mike Waugh, NRC
2. Cash for rent – Caroline Dewast, NRC
3. Cash for Weatherproofing Pilot Project – Alisar Bey, Save the Children
4. Case studies of post-disaster relocation in Tacloban – Shaye Palagi, University of Boulder Colorado & Habitat for Humanity

Themed talks

Shelter recovery

A1. Lessons from Typhoon Haiyan – Victoria Maynard on behalf of CARE & Habitat for Humanity
A2. Promoting Safer Building Protocol – David Dalgado, Shelter Cluster PSB Working Group
A3. Assessing knowledge in reconstruction – Eefje Hendriks, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
A4. Post shelter cluster coordination – Loren Lockwood, HRRP Nepal

Building local capacities

B2. Area based approaches in urban areas – Seki Hirano, CRS
B3. Localisation through faith-based groups – Fiona Kelling

Linking research & practice

C1a. Healthy Housing for the Displaced – Francis Moran, Bath University, part 1
C1b. Healthy Housing for the Displaced – Francis Moran, Bath University, part 2
C2. Shelter research at the University of Edinburgh – Thomas Reynolds, University of Edinburgh
C3. Long Term Impacts of Shelter Programmes – Charles Parrack, Oxford Brookes University

Leaving no-one behind: Is shelter sufficiently inclusive?


UK Shelter Forum 21 photos and presentations

The UK Shelter Forum 21 was held on the 17th of November 2017 in Watford and was co-hosted by BRE and CRS. The theme of the forum was “Sustainability and Resilience”. We also had the pleasure to assist to the official opening of the shelter exhibit at BRE’s innovation park. The Forum was held in commemoration of Graham Saunders.

We would like to thank all attendees for the great discussions and presentations we had throughout the day. Thank you also to the notetakers whose notes can be found underneath.

Links to presentations:

Introduction – Jamie Richardson

Better Safer – Bill Flinn

Building sustainability and resilience – Giulia Frontini

Owner-driven reconstruction – Martina Manna

CTP and the environment – Jake Zarins

Sustainable materials – Vera Kreuwels

Thermal Comfort in Desert Refugee Camps – Dr Dima Aldabra

Pakistan shelter flood resilience – Tim White

Knowledge exchange – Eefje Hendriks

Supporting shelter self-recovery – Elizabeth Parker

Urban planning after humanitarian crisis – Victoria Maynard

Local building practices – Olivier Moles

Building safety in shelter self-recovery – Charles Parrack


UKSF Notes

UK Shelter Forum 21

The 21st UK Shelter Forum will be hosted by BRE and CRS and will take place in Watford on the 17th of November 2017 with a focus on:

“Sustainability and Resilience”

Agenda to follow shortly.

Registration for the event is now open on Eventbrite.

The venue is within the grounds of the BRE Innovation Park and includes a recently constructed Shelter Exhibition. As usual, the forum will have opportunities for short presentations about projects or initiatives in the shelter sector. There are spaces for 5 minute, 10 minute and 15 minute presentations. If you would like to propose something, please fill out this Form.

When: Friday, 17 November 2017 from 09:00 to 17:30 (GMT)

Where: BRE (Building Research Establishment), Bucknalls Lane, Watford, WD25 9XX

To register please follow this Eventbrite link.

UK Shelter Forum 20 Presentations & the Tent

UKSF20 participants helped put up a geodesic tent on the day.

The tent

The UKSF20 presentations are uploaded below.

New Age & Gender Marker – Merrin Waterhouse (IASC GenCap Project)

Promoting Safer Building – Bill Flinn (CARE)

An overview of learning from Tacloban: 3-day workshop held in Tacloban in November 2015 – Jago Boase (Independent/Ramboll)

Resettlement in Tacloban after typhoon Yolanda: vulnerabilities and values formation in Philippines – Daniel Jones

Appropriate Land use and Safe Living – Namiko Minai (Japan Women’s University)

Localising Shelter Seismic Resilience: A Journey from Government Reluctance to Support Tearfund – Mike Wiggins (Tearfund)

HUB: Private Sector Technical Support in Disaster Response – Jeremy Foster (Ramboll UK Limited)

Introduction to a new course by ARUP on ‘using bamboo for construction in humanitarian and developmental contexts’ – Sebastian Kaminski (ARUP)

Shelter Centre Library – Tom Corsellis (Shelter Centre)


UK Shelter Forum 20

The 20th UK Shelter Forum will be hosted by IOM, NRC and CENDEP and will take place in Oxford on 26th May 2017 with a focus on

“Shelter, Protection and Protracted crises”

Agenda to follow shortly.

Registration for the event is now open on Eventbrite.

As usual, the forum will have opportunities for short presentations about projects or initiatives in the shelter sector. There are spaces for 5 minute, 10 minute and 15 minute presentations. If you would like to propose something please send a short abstract to by Monday 8th May, and state your preferred length. Selected proposals will be notified after this date.

When: Friday, 26 May 2017 from 09:00 to 17:30 (BST)

Where: Centre for Development and Emergency Practice, Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus, Oxford OX3 0BP

To register please follow this Eventbrite link


UK Shelter Forum 17

UK Shelter Forum 17 was held on 24th April 2015 and co-hosted by Habitat for Humanity, CRS and UCL.

Agenda for UKSF 17


Presentations for the event are below:

Updates and Announcements

Community Based Safe School Construction by Hayley Gryc (Arup)

Global Shelter Cluster online training by Charles Parrack (Oxford Brookes)

Expanding Impact by Seki Hirano (CRS)

Capacity building for urban humanitarian response by Diane Archer (IIED)

India Shelter Forum by Anshu Sharma

RedR’s Hands on Weekend by Aaron Walawalkar (RedR)

Discussion Sessions

Area based approaches to urban crises by Elizabeth Parker and Victoria Maynard

Disaster diplomacy; Reconstruction Planning Before a Disaster by Ilan Kelman (UCL)

Protection Mainstreaming by Cat Cowley (CAFOD, Caritas Australia, Catholic Relief Services, and Trocaire)

Development of the ‘Refugee Housing Unit ‘ – learning from the process by Shaun Scales (UNHCR)


Reciproboo Bamboo Kit by Shaun Halbert

Talks Session

Urban Tripoli in Lebanon and in Kirkuk in Iraq by Amelia Rule (CARE)

Community-led settlement planning by Annika Grafweg (The Border Consortium)

All Under One Roof by Valerie Scherrer (CBM) & Graham Saunders (IFRC)

Engaging Humanitarians and Non-humanitarian Actors in Urban Emergency Response by Eddie Argenal (USAID)

Developing resilient habitats after a disaster and Program Brief by Jan-Willem Wegdam (Cordaid)

Notes for the event.

UK Shelter Forum 19

UK Shelter Forum 19 took place on the 11th November 2016 co-hosted by Habitat for Humanity and CRSThe theme of the forum was
Holistic Programming: Who needs sectors anyway?


Co-ordination is vital in emergencies, and integrated approaches between sectors is essential. Engaging with practitioners and academicians from other sectors enabled Shelter practitioners appreciate how to holistically approach shelter programs.

Other sectors represented at the forum included health, livelihoods (cash based approaches), WASH, urban displacement, infrastructure, environment and protection including an interesting discussion on hardware, software and fluff-ware. By understanding their approaches, and by providing an opportunity to gauge their impact on shelter programs, the forum hoped to explore and learn how shelter sector can effectively work and collaborate with the other sectors, and understand broader impacts of meeting shelter needs.

The day proved to be informative and engaging with enthusiastic participation from all participants. The forum concluded with drinks and launch of ‘Good Programming Guidelines’ produced by the  CARE International UK Shelter Team with support from the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG). Presentations from UKSF 19 are below:
Updates and Announcements
Shelter Meetings 2016-2017 by Tom Corsellis (Shelter Centre)
Global Shelter Cluster by Miguel Urquia, (UNHCR)
Shelter Projects (Part 1, Part 2) by Joseph Ashmore (IOM)
(Re)settlement Toolkit by Siddharth Nadkarny & Hayley Gryc (ARUP)
Launch Details by UK Built Environment Advisory Group
Morning Session
Talks Session

UK Shelter Forum 19

The 19th UK Shelter Forum will be hosted by Habitat for Humanity and Catholic Relief Servicesand will take place in London on 11th November 2016 with a focus on

Holistic Programming: Who needs sectors anyway?

The forum aims to explore, learn and engage with other sectors, analyse how the shelter sector works and collaborates with the other sectors, explore coordination by non-sector boundaries and the broader impact of meeting shelter needs.


Co-ordination is vital in emergencies, and shelter programs often have integrated approaches with other sectors. The intention, therefore, is to engage with practitioners and academicians from other sectors to understand how to holistically approach shelter programs. The forum is looking to engage with health, livelihoods (cash based approaches), WASH, psychosocial and protection sectors to understand their approaches, and to provide an opportunity to gauge impact of shelter programs through their point of view.

When: Friday, 11 November 2016 from 09:00 to 17:30 (BST)

Where: Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA

As usual, the forum will have opportunities for short presentations about projects or initiatives in the shelter sector. There are spaces for 5 minute, 10 minute and 15 minute presentations. If you would like to propose something please send a short abstract to by Friday 14th October 2016, and state your preferred length. Selected proposals will be notified after this date.

Agenda to follow shortly.

Registration for the event is now open on Eventbrite

18th UK Shelter Forum

UK Shelter Forum 18 took place on Friday the 13th of May 2016 and was hosted by CARE and the Institution of Structural Engineers.

UKSF18 Panel

UKSF18 Panel. From left to right: Wendy Fenton, ODI HPG; Dominic Courage, Save the Children; Fergus McBean, humanitarian preparedness advisor; Prof. Jonathan Wolff, UCL.

The theme of this forum was ‘Risk and Responsibility’:

Humanitarian shelter projects and practitioners often place significant emphasis on stronger, ‘better’ buildings, aiming to reduce the risk of those building collapsing in future events. Associated with this is a range of standards and expectations, and often serious concerns about liability for unsafe buildings. 

This forum aims to explore the risks faced by vulnerable populations and how those risks affect their choices and priorities – and what ‘better’ means to them. It will ask where responsibility for minimising these risks lies and to question whether all these risks, choices & priorities are adequately reflected in humanitarian shelter programmes and the shelters or buildings that result. 

The agenda for the event was:

UKSF18 Agenda 1

UKSF18 Agenda 2

UKSF18 Agenda

Presentations from UK Shelter Forum 18 are below. Notes on the discussions will be added here in due course.

Updates & announcements

Talks session 1

Talks session 2

Talks on construction:

Talks on research:

Talks session 3

17th UK Shelter Forum

The UK Shelter Forum 17 was hosted by British Red Cross aand Save the Children on 13th November 2015. 

The focus of the day was ‘cash and markets for shelter’ but also included updates from around the world.

Venue: Barbican Centre, Frobisher Rooms 4-6, Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS


UKSF-Agenda2015-Nov-Draft 20151023

16th UK Shelter Forum

The 16th UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Catholic Relief ServicesHabitat for Humanity and the Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience at University College London on Friday the 24th April 2015.  The agenda for the day can be viewed here and further details will be available soon.


Changing the Paradigm: Resilient Recovery Frameworks Consultations

25 November 2014, UCL, London

Natural disasters have caused damages of nearly £3 trillion over the past 30 years and the frequency and intensity of these powerful storms, droughts and earthquakes continue to rise.

The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) in the World Bank, in partnership with University College London and Habitat for Humanity and in association with the UK Shelter Forum organised a public presentation and discussion on how vulnerable countries can better prepare before disaster strikes and better plan and execute post disaster recovery and reconstruction programmes to contribute to sustainable development and resilience.

The event was open to humanitarian and development stakeholders involved in disaster preparedness, risk reduction, emergency response, reconstruction and development, research or practice.

This event in London followed the second World Reconstruction Conference (WRC 2) held in the World Bank Headquarters in Washington DC in September 2014 which featured the launch of joint EU-UN-World Bank GFDRR Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) Guide and Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) Guide, as well as ten country case studies.

The presentation and discussion included:

  • The World Bank’s ongoing efforts to build consensus and collective action on resilient recovery, to ensure efficient and effective post disaster reconstruction and to increase readiness including stronger government recovery systems.
  • The role of civil society working with communities in the implementation of humanitarian, reconstruction and development programmes.
  • The importance of research, knowledge and capacity development to support resilient recovery.

The session offered a unique opportunity for dialogue between policy makers and practitioners as part of a process of consultation towards greater collaboration and more effective action.

For further information on WRC 2 and the DRF Guide, see:

About the World Bank GFDRR : Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) helps high risk, low income developing countries better understand and reduce their vulnerabilities to natural hazards, and adapt to climate change. Working with over 300 partners-mostly local government agencies, civil society and technical organizations- GFDRR provides grant financing, on the ground technical assistance to mainstream disaster mitigation policies into country level strategies and a range of training and knowledge sharing activities. GFDRR is managed by the World Bank and funded by 21 donor partners.

15th UK Shelter Forum

The 15th UK Shelter Forum was hosted by CARE and Arup on Monday 24th November 2014. You can download the agenda here and the briefing note for day 1 here. The briefing from day 2 will be posted shortly.

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Topics covered in this forum include

  • Updates from shelter actors around the world,
  • Philippines Haiyan response one year on,
  • South Asia Floods
  • Forgotten African crises
  • Accelerating housing recovery
  • Future research needs: ‘what don’t we know..’.
The Forum closed with the launch of the new book ‘Still Standing? Looking back at reconstruction and disaster risk reduction in housing’ from the Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF), followed by drinks kindly provided by BSHF.

An additional session for presentations and discussion on the Syria and Gaza crises was organised on Tuesday the 25th.

14th UK Shelter Forum

The fourteenth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by by IOM and Save the Children in London on Thursday 13th March 2014.  You can download the agenda for the event here and a briefing note here.


In the morning, there were updates from different initiatives and group works on humanitarian response to urban crisis. While three different discussions were held in the afternoon.  The UK Shelter Forum was preceded by a PechaKucha evening bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss shelter, settlements and disasters.  Posters and presentations from this event are available here.

Humanitarian Response to Urban Crises
Measuring Impact
Lessons from the Philippines
  • Julien Muliez (Chair), Save the Children
  • Bill Flinn, CENDEP
  • Brett Moore, World Vision
  • Gabriel Fernandez del Pino , CARE
  • Mario Flores, Habitat for Humanity International
  • Sonia Molina, British Red Cross
15 years behind WASH? Unresolved issues in the shelter sector and the ‘deep craft’ nature of shelter and housing technology
Closing Remarks

13th UK Shelter Forum

The thirteenth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by the Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience at University College London on Friday 20th September 2013.  The morning included presentations on different topics, while discussions continued in the afternoon in smaller breakout groups.  You can download the agenda for the event here and a briefing note is available here.  The UK Shelter Forum was preceded by a PechaKucha evening bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss shelter, settlements and disasters.  Posters and videos from this event are available here.

Urban Humanitarian Response
Shelter and Recovery
Measuring outcomes and impact
Several updates were also provided

Download a briefing note summarising key discussions at the Forum here.

12th UK Shelter Forum

The twelfth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Habitat for Humanity Great Britain and Oxfam GB on 22.02.13.  Minutes from the ‘updates’ part of the agenda are available here.  A briefing note summarising the key discussions regarding Housing, Land and Property Rights is available here.

Speakers included:
More detailed discussions followed on specific topics:

In the afternoon participants addressed the forum’s theme of Housing, Land, and Property Rights (HLP).  To initiate the debate several speakers gave Pecha Kucha style presentations on different aspects of the topic:

Participants then discussed key questions arising from the presentations in working groups using the Six Thinking Hats MethodologyA summary of key themes arising from the Pecha Kuchas and the breakout groups is available here.

RedR were unable to attend this UK Shelter Forum but they asked forum participants to contribute to the online RedR UK Shelter Sector Learning Needs Assessment.

11th UK Shelter Forum

The eleventh UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Care International on 20.04.12.  Topics discussed at this forum included Knowledge management, Accountability, and HLP. Speakers included:

  • Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre: Knowledge and Learning
  • Theo Schilderman, Independent: Building for Safety Revision
  • Carlo Gherardi, Independent: Shelter Projects 2010 – IFRC, UN-HABITAT, and UNHCR
  • Rick Bauer, Oxfam: Housing, Land, and Property Rights
  • Hugh Earp, ECB/CARE: Accountability and Shelter
  • Gabriel Fernandez Del Pino, CARE: ECB Shelter Training Module
  • Yetunde Abdul, Consultant to BRE Global Limited: Sustainability in Fragile Environments Project
  • Bo Heiden & Desirée Bartosiak, Qatar Foundation: Qatar Shelter Initiative Study Findings

10th UK Shelter Forum

The tenth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by RICS on 21.11.11.  The theme of this meeting was Disaster Risk Reduction and Shelter. Speakers included:

  • Neil Garvie, Christian Aid: Burma Post-Nargis Shelter Project
  • Patrick Elliot, Victoria Maynard, & Joseph Ashmore: Book Launch ‘Transitional Shelter: Eight Designs’
  • Joseph Ashmore: Pakistan Shelter Cluster
  • Esteban Leon/Joseph Ashmore: UN-Habitat Shelter 2010 Project
  • Hugh Earp, Care: ECB Shelter & Accountability
  • Anna Pont, IFRC: Global Shelter Cluster Focal Point and IFRC Haiti Review
  • Jake Zarins, NRC: NRC Shelter & DRR
  • Ian Pearce, Habitat For Humanity: Haiti Projects
  • David Sanderson, CENDEP: ‘Herr and Shelter’ Conference
  • Simon Levine, ODI: HPG (Humanitarian Policy Group) Haiti Land Issues
  • Jamie Richardson & Shailesh Kataria, RICS: Safer Construction Guidelines, Malawi
  • Bill Flinn, CENDEP & Charlie Mason, Save the Children: Training for Self-Builds (HIF)

9th UK Shelter Forum

The ninth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Save the Children UK on 18.03.11.  The theme of this forum was Cash and Shelter. Speakers included:

  • Jose Vellejo & Joel Westberg, EWB: Eco-House Initiative
  • Kate Ferguson, Christian Aid: Permanent housing through partners in rural Haiti
  • Seki Hirano and Hikaru Kitai, IF-Untitled: School Infrastructure Prioritisation Tool (SIPT)
  • Nicolas Barrouillet, CaLP: Cash Learning Partnership
  • Rick Bauer, Oxfam: Cash & Shelter workshops at Oxfam in 2008

  • Bill Flinn, CENDEP/CARE international: Indonesia response to Sumatra Earthquake “$220 very well spent”
  • Ann Foley, Tearfund: Cash and Shelter in Kabul, Afghanistan, 1998
  • Paul Segal, Consultant: Programme risk and uncertainty specific to cash for shelter projects
  • Sandra D’Urzo, IFRC: Pre-paid credit in Chile and grants in Haiti

8th UK Shelter Forum

The eighth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by RedR on 08.10.10.  The theme of this forum was Haiti: 9 Months On. Speakers included:

  • Neill Garvie, Christian Aid: House building in Haiti
  • Ian Pearce, Habitat for Humanity & Victoria Bachelor, Arup: Commercial Partnering to Improve Programme Strategy and Delivery
  • Kate Crawford, CARE International: Legal Rights – Housing, Land, Property Rights, and Urbanisation
  • Joseph Ashmore, Shelter Project: Market assessment – Plastic sheeting
  • Rick Bauer, Oxfam: The impact of the floods on access and availability of bamboo and timber

Group Discussion Topics:

  • Chaired by Annie Devonport, DEC: A study on ‘Urban Disaster Response’ as a terms of reference, to include a framework for political/social/economic and technical response.
  • Chaired by Kate Crawford, Care International: How do we negotiate doing nothing? How do you find out what you should be doing? What is a good solution?
  • Chaired by John Leach, Shelter Box & Toby Gould, RedR: Are there enough shelter managers?

6th UK Shelter Forum

The sixth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Save the Children UK on 11.12.09. The notes of this shelter forum are available here. Speakers included:

  • Ian Pearce, Habitat for Humanity: Asia Pacific Housing Forum
  • David Sanderson, Oxford Brookes University: Building Relevance Workshop
  • Fran Talavera, Engineers without Borders UK: Know how now Workshop
  • Kate Cresswell-Maynard, EWB UK: Rapid Research Secondment Scheme
  • David Sanderson, Oxford Brookes University: Shelter Learning and Advice Service
  • Annie Devonport, DEC: The Future of DEC Funding for Reconstruction
  • Jo Da Silva, Arup: Lessons from Aceh
  • Lewis Sida, Independent: South Asia Shelter Review for Oxfam GB

5th UK Shelter Forum

The fifth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by the British Red Cross on 06.02.09.  The theme of this meeting was Urban Shelter Issues. Speakers included:

  • Tom Corsellis, Sheltercentre: Update on projects being run by shelter centre
  • Graham Saunders, IFRC: Emergency shelter cluster meeting Geneva
  • Tom Corsellis, Sheltercentre / Graham Saunders, IFRC: Shelter and climate change
  • Jo da Silva, Arup : Lessons from Aceh: considerations in post-disaster
  • Manoucher Lolachi: The immediate-long term post conflict strategies of technical assistance on comprehensive physical urban planning concerning life- saving services including urban planning, shelter, water, sanitation
  • Lawrence Hamai, Oxfam & Joseph Ashmore, Independent: Case studies of Haiti
  • Peter Francis, Jamaica Red Cross: Case Study of Kingston, Jamaica
  • Kitka Goyol, Oxfam GB: Discussion on Gaza

4th UK Shelter Forum

The fourth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Oxfam GB and Care International on 05.09.08.  The theme of this forum was Lessons and Learning. Speakers included:

  • Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre: Transitional Settlement & Reconstruction Guidelines
  • Seki Hirano: Case Studies of Emergency & Transitional Shelter Projects
  • Jo Da Silva, ARUP: Post Disaster Reconstruction Guidelines
  • Mark Goodwin, RICS & Emily Darko, BuildAction: Resources for Built Environment Professionals
  • Liz Lambert, Oxfam GB: Learning & Training for the Shelter Sector?

Lessons from Recent Disasters – Cyclone Nargis

  • Simon Springett, Oxfam GB: Remote Programming in Shelter Projects
  • Lizzie Babister, Care: Plastic Sheeting as a Default Shelter Response
  • Rick Bauer, Oxfam GB: Market Survey Tool for Shelter Materials

3rd UK Shelter Forum

The third UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Care International on 11.01.08.  The theme of this forum was Tools, Training and Collaboration. Speakers included:

  • Jim Kennedy, NRC: Shelter Tools- standing (unwittingly) on the shoulders of giants?
  • Toby Gould, RedR: Discussion on Training
  • Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre: Collaborative Tools
  • Jo da Silva, ARUP: Habitation Matrix
  • Graham Saunders, IFRC: Moving ahead on shelter- opportunities for interagency collaboration

1st UK Shelter Forum

The first UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Oxfam GB on 11.12.06.  The topic of this forum was Rising to the Challenge: NGO-Led Shelter Construction.  Speakers included:

  • Tom White, CHF: A Catalyst Approach to Housing
  • Vicki Wooding, Habitat for Humanity GB: Using Contractors
  • Elizabeth Babister, Oxfam: Beneficiary Led Reconstruction
  • Jo da Silva, Arup: Seismic Issues