UK Shelter Forum 30 presentations

The 30th UK Shelter Forum was held at Arup offices, London on 14th May 2024. The turnout was great with nearly 100 in-person attendees over the course of the day and 30+ online. There were some really rich discussions around the theme of the challenge of scale in an environment of increasing need and decreasing resources. Thank you once again to our hosts Arup and RedR UK for providing the space, a great lunch spread and snacks and much-needed IT support.

Please find links to all the presentations below as well as any extra information provided by speakers:







UK Shelter Forum 19

The 19th UK Shelter Forum will be hosted by Habitat for Humanity and Catholic Relief Servicesand will take place in London on 11th November 2016 with a focus on

Holistic Programming: Who needs sectors anyway?

The forum aims to explore, learn and engage with other sectors, analyse how the shelter sector works and collaborates with the other sectors, explore coordination by non-sector boundaries and the broader impact of meeting shelter needs.


Co-ordination is vital in emergencies, and shelter programs often have integrated approaches with other sectors. The intention, therefore, is to engage with practitioners and academicians from other sectors to understand how to holistically approach shelter programs. The forum is looking to engage with health, livelihoods (cash based approaches), WASH, psychosocial and protection sectors to understand their approaches, and to provide an opportunity to gauge impact of shelter programs through their point of view.

When: Friday, 11 November 2016 from 09:00 to 17:30 (BST)

Where: Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA

As usual, the forum will have opportunities for short presentations about projects or initiatives in the shelter sector. There are spaces for 5 minute, 10 minute and 15 minute presentations. If you would like to propose something please send a short abstract to by Friday 14th October 2016, and state your preferred length. Selected proposals will be notified after this date.

Agenda to follow shortly.

Registration for the event is now open on Eventbrite

14th UK Shelter Forum

The fourteenth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by by IOM and Save the Children in London on Thursday 13th March 2014.  You can download the agenda for the event here and a briefing note here.


In the morning, there were updates from different initiatives and group works on humanitarian response to urban crisis. While three different discussions were held in the afternoon.  The UK Shelter Forum was preceded by a PechaKucha evening bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss shelter, settlements and disasters.  Posters and presentations from this event are available here.

Humanitarian Response to Urban Crises
Measuring Impact
Lessons from the Philippines
  • Julien Muliez (Chair), Save the Children
  • Bill Flinn, CENDEP
  • Brett Moore, World Vision
  • Gabriel Fernandez del Pino , CARE
  • Mario Flores, Habitat for Humanity International
  • Sonia Molina, British Red Cross
15 years behind WASH? Unresolved issues in the shelter sector and the ‘deep craft’ nature of shelter and housing technology
Closing Remarks

12th UK Shelter Forum

The twelfth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Habitat for Humanity Great Britain and Oxfam GB on 22.02.13.  Minutes from the ‘updates’ part of the agenda are available here.  A briefing note summarising the key discussions regarding Housing, Land and Property Rights is available here.

Speakers included:
More detailed discussions followed on specific topics:

In the afternoon participants addressed the forum’s theme of Housing, Land, and Property Rights (HLP).  To initiate the debate several speakers gave Pecha Kucha style presentations on different aspects of the topic:

Participants then discussed key questions arising from the presentations in working groups using the Six Thinking Hats MethodologyA summary of key themes arising from the Pecha Kuchas and the breakout groups is available here.

RedR were unable to attend this UK Shelter Forum but they asked forum participants to contribute to the online RedR UK Shelter Sector Learning Needs Assessment.

10th UK Shelter Forum

The tenth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by RICS on 21.11.11.  The theme of this meeting was Disaster Risk Reduction and Shelter. Speakers included:

  • Neil Garvie, Christian Aid: Burma Post-Nargis Shelter Project
  • Patrick Elliot, Victoria Maynard, & Joseph Ashmore: Book Launch ‘Transitional Shelter: Eight Designs’
  • Joseph Ashmore: Pakistan Shelter Cluster
  • Esteban Leon/Joseph Ashmore: UN-Habitat Shelter 2010 Project
  • Hugh Earp, Care: ECB Shelter & Accountability
  • Anna Pont, IFRC: Global Shelter Cluster Focal Point and IFRC Haiti Review
  • Jake Zarins, NRC: NRC Shelter & DRR
  • Ian Pearce, Habitat For Humanity: Haiti Projects
  • David Sanderson, CENDEP: ‘Herr and Shelter’ Conference
  • Simon Levine, ODI: HPG (Humanitarian Policy Group) Haiti Land Issues
  • Jamie Richardson & Shailesh Kataria, RICS: Safer Construction Guidelines, Malawi
  • Bill Flinn, CENDEP & Charlie Mason, Save the Children: Training for Self-Builds (HIF)

8th UK Shelter Forum

The eighth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by RedR on 08.10.10.  The theme of this forum was Haiti: 9 Months On. Speakers included:

  • Neill Garvie, Christian Aid: House building in Haiti
  • Ian Pearce, Habitat for Humanity & Victoria Bachelor, Arup: Commercial Partnering to Improve Programme Strategy and Delivery
  • Kate Crawford, CARE International: Legal Rights – Housing, Land, Property Rights, and Urbanisation
  • Joseph Ashmore, Shelter Project: Market assessment – Plastic sheeting
  • Rick Bauer, Oxfam: The impact of the floods on access and availability of bamboo and timber

Group Discussion Topics:

  • Chaired by Annie Devonport, DEC: A study on ‘Urban Disaster Response’ as a terms of reference, to include a framework for political/social/economic and technical response.
  • Chaired by Kate Crawford, Care International: How do we negotiate doing nothing? How do you find out what you should be doing? What is a good solution?
  • Chaired by John Leach, Shelter Box & Toby Gould, RedR: Are there enough shelter managers?

5th UK Shelter Forum

The fifth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by the British Red Cross on 06.02.09.  The theme of this meeting was Urban Shelter Issues. Speakers included:

  • Tom Corsellis, Sheltercentre: Update on projects being run by shelter centre
  • Graham Saunders, IFRC: Emergency shelter cluster meeting Geneva
  • Tom Corsellis, Sheltercentre / Graham Saunders, IFRC: Shelter and climate change
  • Jo da Silva, Arup : Lessons from Aceh: considerations in post-disaster
  • Manoucher Lolachi: The immediate-long term post conflict strategies of technical assistance on comprehensive physical urban planning concerning life- saving services including urban planning, shelter, water, sanitation
  • Lawrence Hamai, Oxfam & Joseph Ashmore, Independent: Case studies of Haiti
  • Peter Francis, Jamaica Red Cross: Case Study of Kingston, Jamaica
  • Kitka Goyol, Oxfam GB: Discussion on Gaza

4th UK Shelter Forum

The fourth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by Oxfam GB and Care International on 05.09.08.  The theme of this forum was Lessons and Learning. Speakers included:

  • Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre: Transitional Settlement & Reconstruction Guidelines
  • Seki Hirano: Case Studies of Emergency & Transitional Shelter Projects
  • Jo Da Silva, ARUP: Post Disaster Reconstruction Guidelines
  • Mark Goodwin, RICS & Emily Darko, BuildAction: Resources for Built Environment Professionals
  • Liz Lambert, Oxfam GB: Learning & Training for the Shelter Sector?

Lessons from Recent Disasters – Cyclone Nargis

  • Simon Springett, Oxfam GB: Remote Programming in Shelter Projects
  • Lizzie Babister, Care: Plastic Sheeting as a Default Shelter Response
  • Rick Bauer, Oxfam GB: Market Survey Tool for Shelter Materials